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Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know if Belltown will be closed? 

A message will be sent through the app we use to all parents. 


Can my child come part time?

Yes, Belltown offers part time schedules with a minimum of 3 days. There is also a potential for 2 days if the days work between a child who comes 3 days.


Can school age children attend Belltown on days off from school? 

Yes, we offer activities when school is not in session. Children may come on snow days, days off, and vacations.


How can tuition be paid?

Tuition can be paid online through a bank, with a check or with cash. 


Does Belltown provide snack or lunch?

No we do not offer food, we ask that all parents bring in their own food for their child. 


If my child misses a day at Belltown, is my full tuition still due?

Yes, but we do offer families 1 week of vacation waiver per year.


Does Belltown heat up food?

Belltown does not have microwaves in the classroom. Therefore, we do not heat up foods and ask that all parents provide hot foods in a thermos of some sort.


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